During the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines were developed and deployed much faster than usual, taking only about a year instead of the typical decade. Unsurprisingly, the quick trials have raised safety concerns. A systematic review titled "A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination," published in Forensic Science International, explores potential connections between COVID-19 vaccination and deaths. This review carefully analyzes autopsy reports to understand the causes of adverse events linked to the vaccines. The results are frightening, if true.
Read MoreDespite us all having unique personal versions of reality, politicians, media, entertainment, social media, search engines, and advertisers continually influence us into the specific beliefs they wish us to have. We have followed their advice (many times without even knowing it) and are in terrible health anyway. I say we consider declaring our independence from them and learn to take care of ourselves. It can be confusing and difficult, but it will pay off sooner than you think. This post will cover some of the background of how we got into this mess and two important things we can all start doing today to break free and get on the road to better health.
Read MoreIn December of 2020, Alisha Arora and some of her colleagues defined Coronaphobia as an excessive triggered response of fear of contracting the virus causing COVID-19, leading to accompanied extreme concern over physiological symptoms, significant stress about personal and occupational loss, increased reassurance, and safety-seeking behaviors, and avoidance of public places and situations, causing marked impairment in daily life functioning. In the paper, the author urges politicians and media personalities to refrain from scare tactics to minimize the condition. Additionally, recent events have resulted in a bombardment of virology, epidemiology, death statistics, immunology, PCR technology, public health policies, and more. Each subject is complex by itself; together these subjects intertwine in an endlessly confusing way. Our tendency to believe we have mastered a subject long before we have is called the Dunning Kruger effect. The combination of fear, the Dunning Kruger effect, and opportunists have created a dangerous situation that could lead to serious societal disunity and upheaval if we are not careful. This post will shed light on our current situation and offer some strategies to unite in a spirit of cooperation to fight the coronavirus madness.
Read MoreI spend so much time talking about the dangers of processed carbohydrate consumption, I have neglected to talk much about the elephant in the room, cigarette smoking. I think I just assumed that people understand the perils of smoking. Perhaps I was mistaken. Keep in mind that cigarette smoking is different from vaping. But if you are a smoker, are you aware of how bad it is for your body? Your Mouth? Read on if you are curious.
Read MoreIt has been about one year since we started to hear about Covid-19. In that time, we have amassed tons of data on the disease. One thing is clear: the average person who dies from it has 2.6 underlying illnesses. Since most of our modern ailments are rooted in inflammation, I want to suggest six things you can do starting today to decrease it.
Read MoreWhen looking at anything, as the saying goes, one can lose the forest for the trees. When we focus on fine details, they can be ugly, off-putting, and frightening. No matter how beautiful the person, the skin is scary up-close, no exceptions. Imagine a world where we could only see the microscopic view of everybody’s skin at first, only to draw out later to see how attractive they are. The first impression would be universal disgust. So it is with the Covid-19 death data. My post today will look at the bigger picture to help us get a (hopefully better) perspective on the recent focus on death.
Read MoreAs Covid-19 is dominating this respiratory illness season, the flu season has disappeared. It turns out that the flu virus does not conform to many known properties of infectious diseases. It can appear simultaneously around the globe and disappear just as quickly. Additionally, there may be a relationship between Covid-19 and influenza activity as well. Lastly, there is a link to solar activity, sunspot activity, and pandemics that I explore in this post.
Read MoreWhen tested, masks actually look very effective. The website called Smartairfilters.com is a treasure trove of information about air filtration systems and masks. They clearly show the effectiveness of masks, even the cloth home-made ones. Some of the better masks filter out 99.7 percent of all particles. With such convincing results, why do masks seem to be failing us? The paper entitled Masks Don't Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy may have the answer. They list numerous studies that all conclude that masks don't protect against contracting a whole host of illnesses. We will find out why in this post.
Read MoreI want to unpack two recent studies associated with Covid-19. One is a study of new United States Marine recruits who underwent severe quarantine. The results may surprise you. The other is a public mask-wearing study from Denmark. They both refute the common advice to lockdown and wear masks. In this post, I will sift through the fine points and provide tangible takeaways.
Read MoreNow that we are heading into winter in the northern hemisphere, many of us may experience lower vitamin D levels as the sun is no longer capable of helping us produce it. A promising study showed that using a form of vitamin D called calcidiol reduced the risk of ICU admission by 93% compared to the group that took no calcidiol in Covid-19 patients. But some people don’t respond to supplementation when their levels are already low. I will tell you how you can improve your production of active vitamin D, whether you should supplement, and how a commonly available supplement can really help.
Read MoreThe death rate from obesity for the world is 60.14 per 100,000-almost as bad as the worst region for Covid-19! The United States is even worse at 71.95 per 100,000. How come our politicians have not locked us all in a health clinic and created a healthy weight reduction program until nobody dies from obesity? When we get rid of the current Covid-19 epidemic, it would be a great idea to start on the obesity epidemic. We can do this ourselves, we don’t need our politicians forcing changes. What do they know anyway? Their track record on health recommendations for us is a big part of our obesity epidemic. Let me explain.
Read MoreThe list of comorbidities on the CDC's Coronavirus pages is extensive. Still, distressingly, it does not include any references to oral infections. Adding periodontal disease would significantly increase the average number of comorbidities to 2.75. The reason for my distress is that their public health efforts will fall short. Here’s what you can do about it today.
Read MoreObesity and metabolic syndrome parameters have a very negative impact on immunity and pathogen defense. Scientists are starting to take note that obesity is a risk factor for more severe Covid-19 symptoms, including death. There is something we can do about it…
Read MoreThe Covid-19 virus is more deadly for people who have underlying conditions. The risk goes up with each additional risk factor. Those at risk of complications and death are known as susceptible hosts. I discuss some of them in this post along with how to address some of the underlying conditions and make the move towards being a resistant individual.
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