Posts tagged nutrient dense
Raw Egg Yolks: One of My Favorite Meals

I have been on the carnivore diet for almost three years. From the start, raw eggs have been a big part of my diet. My go-to recipe is one dozen yolks mixed with bone broth. It fits in a tall glass that I drink down each morning. Another way I consume my raw egg yolks is to mix them with water and honey. If this sounds strange, this post will clarify why I consider it an important part of my diet.

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The Truth About Cold Sores and Their Treatment

I suffered from cold sores for my entire life. The things I noticed that brought them on for me were:

Sudden weather changes.

Too much sun exposure.

Lack of sleep.

Co-occurring illnesses like colds.

Nothing worked to prevent or treat them for me. Trust me; I tried everything.

Lifestyle Is the Best Prevention

Almost two decades ago, I changed just about everything in my life in an attempt to regain my health. I do not get Herpes Labialis cold sores anymore. I will talk about how I did it in this post. I will also talk about more conventional treatments as well.

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Nutrients and Phytonutrients: A New Perspective

A very recent article in The Journal of the American Medical Association boldly states, "Over the long term, a diet in which only 5% of total calories come from carbohydrates makes it impossible to obtain optimum amounts of antioxidant phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables." They do not state what an optimum level is because there is none. Information like this then gets circulated by journalists, and the result is a perpetuation of dietary myth. Who doesn't think that plant fiber and so-called phytochemicals (phytonutrients) aren't great for our health? After all, we hear about their virtues all the time. How true is this? It turns out that it is mostly BS. Let me explain…

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Move Over Cholesterol: Meet The Latest Villain mTOR

The discussions around mTOR have been on the rise lately. I believe this is due to the numerous documentaries on streaming services like “Game Changers” and “For the Health of It”. It has suffered some bad press, so I thought I should do a post on it.

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