In the past, lead aprons were commonly used in dental X-rays as a way to protect against radiation. In 2017, the ADA said it was no longer appropriate to use lead aprons when taking radiographs. However, recent research suggests that thyroid collars are also not necessary due to advancements in dental X-ray equipment and practices. According to a detailed review, modern technology significantly reduces stray radiation exposure, making lead aprons and thyroid collars sometimes unnecessary. The American Dental Association (ADA) has updated their guidelines to reflect these findings and to avoid repeated X-rays and increased radiation exposure caused by the use of unnecessary protective gear.
Read MoreThe law of the instrument, otherwise known as Maslow’s hammer, whereby he states that I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail. Likewise, if the only tool you have is a scalpel, I also suppose it is tempting to treat everyone as a surgical candidate. A few years ago, I had a procedure recommended to me, and when I asked the doctor to justify why I should receive it, he stated,” anyone in my profession would recommended it.” In other words, “because I said so!” I did my own research and had the procedure.
But recently, A surgeon took one look at my MRI and concluded I needed surgery right away. He never bothered to ask my thoughts on the matter. I am now involved in a process cultivating me for the knife. In the meanwhile, I have been doing my homework. I am not surprised that the procedures they recommend have similar outcomes to non-surgical approaches. This post is designed to teach you how to do your own research, how to receive REAL informed consent (not the rushed one they do a foot from the operating table), and decide for yourself what is best for YOU. I will also talk about spinal health since the recommended surgery involves my cervical spine.
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