The holidays always bring more love, laughter, cheer, and peace for me, my family and friends. It has become increasingly more difficult because of all the fear mongering going on. I gave a message of hope last year by posting that things were not nearly as bad as everyone was led to believe. Once again, I bring tidings of comfort and joy that we are not dying in much greater numbers than usual. I will also share insights that Omicron is generally mild and has a much lower hospitalization and death rate than previous Covid variants. I will also discuss the main reason why the death rate is climbing, and what we can do to avoid an early exit. Lastly, enjoy the holidays and have a happy new year.
Read MoreHave you noticed that fear is consuming a large segment of the population lately? Initially, we directed our worries at the virus. However, more and more, we are focusing our fear and anger on the unvaccinated. The same goes for anyone with an opinion that differs from the mainstream; they get labeled as misguided purveyors of vaccine hesitancy. All the while, the media seems bent on stoking fear and hatred. Prevention and treatment are nowhere to be found in their narrative. Dr. Mattias Desmet is a psychologist and professor at the University of Ghent who believes that the conditions of loneliness and isolation, coupled with free-floating anxiety associated with the frustrations and agitation, plus no sense of life's purpose, can have explosive consequences. For example, large numbers of dissatisfied, fearful, confused, and isolated people can suddenly band together in common cause against a sudden event that they identify as the sole cause of their misery. The sudden focusing on a single apparent threat provides immediate and palpable relief from the myriad longstanding pressures of isolation, confusion, and free-floating anxiety and discontent. Dr. Desmet calls this phenomenon mass formation.
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